Civilization Cheats For Mac

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Are you looking for Civ 6 Cheats online? Well look no further because now you can use civ 6 mods or civ 6 trainer to unlock a lot of attributes and abilities in civilization vi that can make the game even more interesting and exciting.

  • When another civilization gives you a trade offer, make a counter-proposal. On the counter-proposal screen, delete what the other civilization is offering to you. Then ask them what they would.
  • Sid Meier's Civilization: Cheats. In-Play Cheat Mode. If you have version 1 (that is, if your game says version 474.01 or 475.01 when you start it up), hit shift-56. It will reveal the entire map and give you a variety of cheat options in the F1-F10 menus. You can enter enemy cities, sell their city walls, and then unfortify the defense.

Download Civ 6 Trainer

Normally the game would not allow the player to speed up the building of Wonders through hurry methods such as pay citizens and force labour. But it is possible to get around this by first selecting a building option (preferably one with a high production cost), speed up that project using a hurry method, then switch to the Wonder of your choice. Are you looking for Civ 6 Cheats online? Well look no further because now you can use civ 6 mods or civ 6 trainer to unlock a lot of attributes and abilities in civilization vi that can make the game even more interesting and exciting. Download Trainer. Download Cheats. Download Savegame 100%. Download Civ 6 Trainer.

There are many reasons why people might need an extra edge to properly enjoy the game. Maybe they don't have enough time to invest in the game and just need some quick gratification. Here at Solidfilez you can find what you're looking for. And with these enhancements you will be able to do things which you couldn't do before. For example you could now have access to infinite money and infinite faith, and you can never have too much of that. God mode is also available and is usually what people think about when they imagine cheats for any game. Fast research is available. Sometimes you want to do a research to upgrade something and you just really can't be bothered to wait for said research to complete. Simply activate the civ 6 trainer and use the utility to drastically shorten research time.

You can even get access to Fast Recruiting so that you can get your entire operation running without a hitch. Infinite nukes might come in handy, you just never know. In this game it doesn't really matter what your reasons are. If you feel like you need unlimited amount of nukes, its available for you, right at your fingertips. You can basically speed up everything that is useful in the game such as Fast Culture, Fast Project, Infinite movement, and population control.

Working Civ 6 Trainer

The use of mods really opened up the game to the community, but not everyone really knows how to make those modifications. And that is where the civ 6 trainer comes into play.

It gives the average player a kind of easy point and click, or very simplified way to access the specific mods that they want as long as it is programmed into that particular civ 6 trainer. It's like a computer program, and once its been opened you can now toggle which mods you want activated and your choice would be reflected in the game.

Some of the options available with trainers are – God mode, Fast Projects, Infinite Nukes, Set Money, Set Envoys, Set Faith, Fast Construction, Fast Research.

Civ 6 Cheats List

There are two options if you want to use cheats – Civ 6 mods or you can use Civ 6 Trainer which is more user friendly.

But remember that before you can activate these cheats you need to modify the config.ini file which can be found inside the Sid Meier's civilization 6 folder located in your documents folder. If you are running windows the current path to your config file should be –

Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 6/config.ini

This type of file can be opened with a text editor so don't worry. If you drag that file into any open editor it should display the contents of the config.ini file. Windows has a default text editor called notepad but i like to use another third party free one called notepad++ which has a lot more useful functions that i can't do without. Its just a much better product.

Civilization v cheats for mac

How to Reveal The Map in Civilization 6

once you've opened up the file you can search for the text 'DebugPanel=0'. And once you locate it, the next step is to change the 0 to 1, and then save and close the file. You can open the file again to make sure that your changes were saved, and once you confirm this open the game again, and press the [~] tilde key on your keyboard. This will open the debug window and give you access to the console and here you can even select 'Reveal All' and this will reveal the whole map for you. This was a pretty easy one, but if you want access to the really juicy stuff then you would need the civ 6 cheats.

Civ 6 Mods

Civ 6 Mods – The Best

Access to civ 6 mods became possible with the Australian Summer update in 2017 which also included big updates for the Australia civilization in the game. This update included steam workshop access as well as provided gamers with access to the modding tools which would allow them to create game content as they please. The package included development tools such as Modbuddy, Firetuner, and Steam Workshop Uploader. The update was huge – at about 7GB compressed, and 27GB on disk.

Since these tools became available there has been so many civ 6 mods appearing on the scene by talented modders. Some of the available mods are:

CCQI: This is a mod that allows you to update the interface screen and make it easier to use.
Yet Not Another Map Pack: It includes updated maps and fixes that the players will appreciate.
Production Queue: This is something that come standard on civ 6 games. it allows the players to see what they have in their queue.
Smoother Difficulty: This has to do with how the computer tries to win the game when you increase difficulty. Sometimes you will be attacked by the computer during early ages. This civ 6 mod corrects that problem so that instead pf giving the AI more units. The AI could get bonus resources.
Moar Units: gives more units by adding 9 new unique units to each civ. Get it here.


The Civilizations series has been around for many years and has enjoyed a lot of success as well as garnered a lot of very loyal fans who have been with the game since its early infancy and celebrated every milestone as this game continued to evolve over the years. With each new release came more tweaks ans implementation of community suggestions and that has really shaped the current face of the game. One could also say that as the computer technology continued to improve at an alarmingly fast rate, civilizations the game has kept up with the times in order to take advantage of the new pc and processor technologies. You may notice that some civ 6 mods will take advantage of this.

Civilizations was created by Sid Meier, and it could be described as a 4x type of game and very much turn based which also requires a lot of strategy to become successful and beat your opponents. The game was developed by Firaxis Games, and published by 2k Games, and it was distributed by Take-two Interactive. While Civ 6 was originally released for Windows in 2016 it was also released for Linux in February 2017 and can also be found on mac and ios devices. The first ever Civ game was originally released in 1991, which would mean its been around at least 27 years. And that is an extremely long time for any game to still be relevant. Once could argue that only these types of turn based games, and RTS style games can actually pull that off.

As mentioned before, that game has a lot of die-hard fans that have been supporting it and providing their own input for all these years by creating small free updates and civ 6 mods. And they really care to help make this game what it really is today. The series has even had some effect on entertainment in general because it has inspired many other spin-offs and creations such as board games, and video games. it is truly a game that really embodies the 4X style of gameplay which employs the following exact strategies: 'eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate'. Usually in that order but more experienced players can use that as they see fit. It has some similarities to Endless Legend.

Civ 6 Gameplay


The Civilizations series is basically a turn based game strategy game meaning that the players must take turns to play, so its like a game of chess where one player makes a move, and then waits for the other player to make a move and so on. This game is also very strategic and will really test the players skills. In this type of games, the player with the best skills, planning, and foresight usually wins. And that is how it should be if you ask me. If you are playing by yourself against the computer and you want to amp up the fun, you could even try using the civ 6 cheats which will help boost the fun factor.

The whole idea behind the game is to grow a civilization starting from the very beginning stages which means prehistoric times, and then building up the city until you have reached more modern times, and the near future. Advancing through the ages isn't as simple as pushing a button. Firstly, you have to secure enough resources for this such as food and money to name a few. In the early stages resource gathering will be the main focus and will start out slow, but as the game progresses, and more resources have been acquired, the player can now research new technologies and skills which could help speed up overall progress. You can now build new units, expensive buildings and get access to research new and more expensive technologies that is unique to your chosen civilization. There are many gamers out there who would rather skip this step of gathering resources, and the only way to bypass that is to use civ 6 cheats, or a civ 6 trainer while in single player as it won't work in multiplayer. Enabling cheats will allow you to instantly acquire items which you need to quickly advance to the next stages. Everything that you do as a player is to boost your war preparedness and the player who is able to do this the best will win the game. Keep in mind that there are other ways to play the game using diplomacy, but that's never as fun as waging war and overcoming your foes. The other ways to win if agreed upon are by reaching a high culture, building a space ship, or getting the high score in the game.

All game series do have their growing pains and Civilizations is no different. Even at this stage with their 6th entry there are sill major design changes being made, and more of the games inner workings constantly tweaked to stabilize the whole thing and also to accommodate user input which is always a great move to keep the fan base happy. If the game has a good balance then its less likely that players will be looking for civ 6 cheats. The game map is entirely based on a hexagonal grid-like arrangement where cities and land mass fit neatly inside hexagonal grids. It does help with being able to precisely know what you're dealing with, and will help you with clearly defined borders. A new feature in civ 6 is the innovation of 'city unstacking'. In the past the in-game improvements were stacked on top of cities, but now they must be placed on hex square beside the city itself and that makes things a lot cleaner and easier to understand. so now the player can choose which of the hex squares or district to place improvements and get bonuses. When placing your buildings on districts certain bonuses and experience points can be achieved when the buildings are placed on specific districts which would be considered advantageous.

There are many attributes to unlock in the game, and many of them have other dependencies. For example, certain technologies can't be researched unless you already have certain buildings created. If you want to boost your masonry research you should already have a quarry. Or for example water based technologies such as 'sailing' will have little to no effect if your city is in the middle of land mass or continent, or not near water at all. While civ 6 introduced the idea of unstacking, its still beneficial in some cases where it makes sense to use stacking. For example, to protect a builder from barbarians a warrior unit can be paired with it. The game continue to be improved with new features like the 'Eureka Moments' which will speed up progress and shorten the time needed to get certain technologies after completing certain in-game activities such as the Astrology tech improvements and discovering of the natural wonder. Certain civ 6 mods allow you to manipulate your surroundings, so if you find the default settings cumbersome there is always a fix.


Balancing can make or break the game as far as how the players rate it. You really don't want it to be too easy or too hard so you have to make everything balanced so that everything makes sense across the board. Take for example in the past it was almost impossible to win the game through the cultural victory route. Things like that are an obvious bug as far as the series longevity and variety is concerned because in a multiplayer scenario it could lead to really predictable gameplay which is boring when you know that cultural victory is not possible. But giving cultural victory a real chance at winning makes things actually more realistic and keeps the game fun and exciting. By incorporating a new civics tree it boosted the cultural victory and made is a truly viable option. This was achieved by bringing in past improvements from earlier civ games such as drama and philosophy, into a separate mechanic.

Its important to know that player choices will affect the overall outcome of the game. In previous civ versions player choices can cause unhappiness in the population. But in civ 6 the effects of this will be minimized and isolated to the district instead of the entire population. The game uses real historical people and figures who really existed in the past and uses them in new ways to improve the game, and you can find players like qin shi juang and Theodore Roosevelt. These figures can be controlled by the computer AI. You will now have to figure out the Ai's agenda. Some of the civs in the game often have more than one leader and its is up to you the player to choose one since they each have unique abilities which make them interesting. And since there is balancing none are overly powerful over the others. The use of civ 6 cheats however makes it possible to win with any civilization you choose, if that's how you like to play.


If you're a fan of civilizations you will notice that civ 6 brings with it many of the same attributes found in civ 5 the previous version. This is good because it keeps alot of the feel that fans have come to know, love, and enjoy. Therefore a civ game will always be a civ game and fans can count of this familiarity. The game designers adhered to some strict rules which they believed forms the basis of a great sequel. Sid Meier called it the '33/33/33' rule which states that – a sequel should contain 33% of already known and established systems from the previous game, 33% should have some new systems implemented into it, and remaining 33% should be reserved for new material which enhances the game with new features to explore. This formula works very well, and is also adopted by many other gaming design companies.

Civ 6 was made by Firaxis Games, the same team who were responsible for the civ 5 expansion. so the expansion team created the complete civ 6. It wasn't a bad decision because it made for a really smooth transition from civ 5 to 6 since alot of what was in civ 5 made its way to civ 6 seamlessly, and importantly was immediately available during civ 6's launch. This was huge because civ players always have to wait for critical updates to be released as expansions. And an expansion was released for civ 6 anyway because there was more to be done, and players requested certain updates which the expansion fixed. It was called Civilizaion VI: Rise and Fall – which was released in February 2018. This time around the developers decided to include a massive tutorial covering everything the game has to offer. The game itself does provide in-game voice guidance, but the added tutorial would be separate from that. Civ 6 cheats capability is also built in but it has to be unlocked from the Config.ini files mentioned above.

As mentioned earlier, one of the major pitfalls of games is when the game-play falls into a specific pattern because this tend to make the game too predictable. And when this happens it becomes boring fast. Imagine that every player knows exactly how their opponent is going to play. That really narrows down the game-play to the point that players are doing the same thing every time and neglect all the other great features which the designers built into the game simply because the players have found a formula for success which will now be copied by everyone else, and everyone starts doing the same thing. So one of the strategies that was implemented to combat this was the use of the procedurally generated map. This means that the overall shape of the map isn't immediately known. And as the map is explored it will change the strategies which the player will use because he has to choose different strategies in order to adapt to the environment challenges.

Graphics and Visuals

With all this modifications going on it would be very problematic if the engine upon which the game is built was difficult to work with, and that is why Firaxis decided to develop civ 6 with a new engine moving forward and this was definitely a smart move on their part. The visuals and graphics have been much more improved since the last game and everything is looking much more polished. Take for example the improved user interface with display compasses and astrolabes. In order to add more features to the game which could possibly influence how players will strategize the developers included a constant night and day cycle so essentially players might choose which conditions are more favourable for them to perform certain actions or attack a foe.

Fog of war is well implemented this time using a cross hatch style which replicated map styles from the Age of Exploration. Fog of war means that the whole map not immediately visible and your units will have to explore in order to view the terrain close by and later the whole map, but some gamers might decide to reveal the full map with the use of civilizations 6 cheats codes.

Another thing that the players will notice in civilizations 6 is that somewhat cartoonish look of the game. It looks a lot like many of these mobile games graphics, but this is intentional in order to make the game simple. By doing it like this they hope to help the player to better focus on the complexity of the game. Sometimes you can miss something on the map due to certain shades of color which affect your perception of depth and distance. By making it a bit more plain looking it actually helps players who are more on a higher skill level. This graphics style does not impede the players ability to differentiate between units and building designs, instead it really makes things easier as players can easily recognize units whether lightly zoomed in or zoomed out without the need for using the tool-tips to to figure things out, instead the players will be able to figure it out just by sight, reducing the need for extra unnecessary actions.

Theme Song

There are many seemingly little things that we take for granted but which actually make our favourite games memorable. One of those elements would be the sound track theme song. Befitting its stature the civilizations series have always boasted amazing and immersive soundtracks which increase anticipation and which makes fans always return. Certain sights and sounds can rekindle fond memories, and if you here the music before you see it, you will know that it is civilizations 6. The theme song for the game was done by composer Christopher Tin, and he was also responsible for the grammy winning theme song for civilization 4 called 'Baba Yetu'. His newest work for civ 6 is called 'Sogno di volare' which is translated as 'The Dream of Flight'. The inspiration for the song comes from the spirit of exploration of new lands, the feeling of new discovery, expanding the frontiers of science and philosophy.


Civilization VI received great reception because it was very much anticipated by current fans. This game won't get the same reach as titles like call of duty which are more quick simplistic games which don't require much complicated thinking. The review aggregator praised the unstacking of cities because it definitely added more to what the game has to offer. Once cities were unstacked we now need new ways of dealing with this implication and this adds to the game overall. Not all review was favourable of course as we can see from remarks made by Destructoid's peter Glagowski. he believes that the religious victory condition in the game should be removed, labelling it a 'nuisance'. He harped on about the removal of the diplomatic victory condition and also stressing the need for the steam workshop support which was not available at launch. However civilization 6 did win the best pc game and best strategy game awards at the 2016 Game Critics Award. It also won in 2017.


Civ 6 is definitely one of the best 4x, turn-based strategy games out there boasting a very long history over 20 years since the first version released in 1991. Since then it has faithfully continued to deliver on what its early adopters have come to rely on. The game continued to evolve with the times incorporating strongly the desires of the fans by providing the innovations that they wanted to see imbued into the game through the use of the many expansion packs and civ 6 mods. The Civilizations title is definitely one of the hallmarks and trailblazers when it comes to this style of turn based gaming.

Civilization for mac free

Civilization Cheats For Pc

This game will most likely continue to dominate and have a significant presence within the gaming world at large. The game also allows modders to use Civ 6 trainers to help you unlock special attributes. These however can be used only for non competitive play offline. If you need to enable all resources with unlimited everything that will add a new level of fun to the game, consider trying out the civ 6 cheats. The next game is Dark Souls 3 Trainer Cheats and Mods.

With No Cheat Console Available, Turn to Debug Mode & Ingame Editor

The Ingame Editor Allows Players to Cheat in Civilization 5, Gods and Kings & Brave New World

Enough people search for Civilization 5 Cheats that I thought sharing a couple possibilities that resemble and even surpass cheating in power might be useful to some players. You see, no cheat codes or command console of that type exists for the game. However, Firaxis did include a debug mode for developers that can be exploited to reveal the entire map and gve your Civilization infinite Happiness. This tool pales in comparison to the mighty Ingame Editor which can modify or place just about anything in the world. In many ways, this is better than any simple cheat code for it can enable you to get through any negative situation your Civilizaton enounters while giving you the ability to cheat your gold, research, production, or military to ridiculously high levels and defeatng other Civs in just about any way you choose. Don't be frightened by the fact that it's a mod. This is a very stable tool that gives you incredible control over the land and Civilizations in Civ 5.

Before You Consider Cheating: Playing at a Low Difficulty
Unless you want to cheat for fun, use cheating tools to set up the world to your liking, or experiment with Civ 5's gameplay, you should first consider simply lowering the difficulty of the game to Settler. It's ridiculously easy to win a game, especially with knowledge of Victory conditions you can learn from my strategy guide.

Playing at a lower difficulty will give your Civilization bonuses, while imposing penalties on the AI. This is not a game that you will get much satisfaction from cheating to win anyway; there is no ending and the numerous difficulty settings give you a chance to gradually improve and expand your knowledge of Civ 5 game mechancs.

Ingame Editor: Powerful Cheats for Civilization 5

With IGE Installed, click this button or press Control + I to start using the Mod.

Civfanatics and the Steam Workshop host a powerful Mod for Civilization 5 that enables some great cheating ability. You can do most anything you want with the game's tiles, plant strategic and luxury resources, spawn units in control of any player, research technologies with a single click, and even take over another Civilization. I'll Guide you through the various types of cheating you can do using the Ingame Editor's interface, while I leave to you the creative use of this tool to win games or present yourself new challenges.

Installing the Ingame Editor
You can start cheating by getting Civ 5's ingame editor from one of the following sources. I recommend installing it via the steam workshop, since every legit Civilzation 5 owner has to use it. If you like installing mods yourself, you can go through Civfanatics:
Download from the Steam Workshop. Login, Subscribe to IGE and the Mod will be installed and updated automatically.
Download from Civfanatics, where you'll find manual install instructions, a FAQ, and troubleshooting for the IGE.

Using the IGE Mod to Cheat - Control + I
Once you've got the Mod installed, you're ready to start a game in which you can cheat to your heart's content. Load Civilization 5 and select 'Mods' and ensure that Ingame Editor is checked, then select next. You can now select Single Player and set up the game as you normally would. If the Mod is working properly, click the icon in the top right portion of the Civ 5 game screen or press Control + I.

Things to Note: Leader/City-State Selection and Reloading for Visual Changes
In the top-right portion of the IGE interface, you will see your Leader selected. You can change to any other Leader or City-State by selecting this. This will show you the game world as they see it, show their research tree and social policies, etc.

When you make some changes to terrain, like placing Natural Wonders in the world, you'll need to save the game, exit to the main menu and reload to get their graphics to show. Any tile bonuses will be in play, but your Fountain of Youth, for example, will be invisible until you do this.

Edit Tiles Individually with F1

Cheats: Edit Terrain - F1
The first tab in the Ingame Editor allows you to select a terrain hex and start editing. You can choose tile improvements, Natural Wonders, terrain type, and even select whom the tile belongs to by having the right leader selected and going to the far right in the interface, where you'll see 'Free Land' or 'Your Land', along with Explored/Unexplored. The blue lines in the bottom left let you paint rivers and the direction they flow by toggling the lines at the edge of the hex. As you can see, I made a strange circular river in one hex to demonstrate how it would be used.

Cheating Cities: Religion, We Love the King & Wonders - F2
Click to select a city or shift-click to create a new city on a hex belonging to the currently selected player. This is super useful for cheating - it'll let you instantly create any building or Wonder in the city, and also celebrate We Love the King day for 10 or 250 Turns. This second is a little less useful given you could just set the population to whatever size you want, anyway. You are also able to change the religious balance in the city or make it a puppet of the currently selected player.

Changing Terrain on a Mass Scale - F3
The Paint Terrain option is helpful if you want to change the terrain on a larger scale than the F1 tool. Select a terrain type and drag around with the right mouse button held down to change terrain all over. Press shift and you'll see the six tiles around the selected terran light up. Right click and drag with this to make big changes across the land. The Your Land option is found on the far right, which will let you claim massive sections of land for the selected player, explore it, or return it to an unexplored state.

With the IGE you can spawn a max promoted unit or Great Person, even combine unique units from other Civilizations

Spawning Units and Giving Unit Promotions - F4
Use this tool to create units for the selected player. You can right-click to spawn a unit of any type, from workers, to missionaries, and even Great People. This is extremely powerful, but doesn't seem to let you edit an existing unit, although this hardly matters. You can use this Cheat to play with Unique Units from other Civilizations! Above the list of units, you can see the level box. Pick a number and it will give the unit that many promotions. Some units have a maximum of nine promotions, while a naval unit could have eleven. Either way, pick a number like 15 and you're likely to have a maxxed-out unt.

I'd warn you when using this cheat not to spawn too many units on one tile, although you can. I'm sure it could have a negative impact on your game and possibly cause a crash. Just how many giant death robots would you need in one area, anyway?

IGE Quicksave - F5
Pressing F5 with the Ingame Editor open will create a Quicksave named IGE so that you can avoid overwriting a non-cheated game's save.

Civilization 4 Free For Mac

Edit Civilization Stats - F6
With this IGE tab, you can use cheats that allow you to add gold, culture, or faith points to the currently selected Civ. Golden ages of 10 or 250 turns can be triggered at will, and religions founded. You may take over leadership of another Civilization on this tab by picking Take Seat option.

This tab is also particularly interesting for allowing you to make peace treaties, form declarations of friendships, embargoes or even trigger complex wars between various Civs and City States.

Use this tab as a Cheat to Research all Technologies in Civ 5

Research Cheats - F7
This is likely to be one of the most popular uses of the Ingame Editor. Research Cheats let you learn any technology in Civ 5, Gods and Kings, and Brave New World with a single click. Press Shift-Click and it will learn every prerequisite for the selected technology. You can also take Technology away in the same way - it is a toggle, so shift-click again and it will take away a tech and all prerequisites.

To Cheat and get all Technology, shift-click the Future Tech research project. Since it takes every one of the highest level technologies to research it, you will get every Tech at once. To remove all research at once, shift-click Agriculture on the opposite end of the Tech tree.

Social Policy and Ideology Cheats - F8
With the last tab, you may add and remove any social policy in Civ 5. You may also force the selected Civ to adopt an Ideology or remove one. You may even adopt all Ideologies and Ideological Tenets at once if you so choose, although that may have unforseen gameplay consequences.

Debug Mode, World Builder & Civ 5 SDK

Civ 5's Debug Mode - Reveal Full Map & Unlimited Happiness
Open config.ini located in DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier's Civilization 5 and locate the line that says DebugPanel = 0 and change the 0 to a 1 then save the file. To Disable Debug, you'd do the opposite. This will enable debug mode in the game, which seems to be primarily aimed at mod development. After restarting the game with Debug enabled, you can press Control + Z to reveal the entire map. This process will automatically introduce your Civ to all City States and other Civilizations. It also reveals the location of all Natural Wonders, giving a +1 permanent boost to happiness for each. If you do this over and over, you will keep rediscovering the wonders and accumulate massive amounts of happiness that can allow your cities to grow without worry of unhappiness, and also triggering golden ages over and over depending on how heavily you abuse it. For the most part, revealing the map alone is a potent cheat to a player capable of turning that knowledge into a workable strategy.

While Debug Mode is enabled, you can press the Tilde key to bring up an interface that offers different options specfically for debugging the game. It is unlikely that many useful things can be done with it as far as cheats go, but I'd welcome comments on this tool and its capacity for cheating from players who understand its menu options and how to apply them to a current game. If anything, it's probably not worth the effort of deciphering the debug tool given the power of the Ingame Editor.

The Civilization 5 Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
There are many tools provided by Firaxis that will let you modify Civ 5 or create your own maps. To install these tools, login to Steam and go to your Library. Hover over Library at the top of Steam and choose Tools. Scroll down the list until you find Sid Meier's Civilization V SDK, select it and choose Install. You will now have access to all the tools provided by Firaxis, through a link you should find on your desktop. Otherwise, right click it in the tools list and choose Play.

Share Tips and FAQs (20)

Our Sims Forum is the place to go for faster answers to questions and discussions about the game. Use the form below to share your own experiences and provide helpful tips to other readers.

Kyle says...
So I got the IGE off the workshop then I went in-game went to mods enabled the mod clicked next it said configuring game data then when back to the screen I then clicked back and made a new game. But while in-game I noticed that there was no Icon to click and pressing ctrl+I did nothing either... Need help
1st September 2014 11:09pm
Ray Ryan says...
Let say I want to reveal entire map with debug mode for fun play, building strategic place for my civ. But since the purpose is just for strategic location. How can I unreveal map after pressing ctrl+z?
30th October 2014 2:25am
Dolan says...
So enabling the mod is fine: selected it, hit next, the game configured. But when I start a game the IGE does not show up, and ctrl+i doesn't do anything. Am I missing a step somewhere along the way?
You may find a solution for your problem in the official thread for the Mod at Civfanatics
25th March 2014 2:41pm
Sirwn says...
how do you add city states in a map?
19th October 2014 3:01pm
CGord says...
I do not see this noted about playing with debug mode enabled: technologies researched are selected automatically. I do not know if this can be changed.
30th January 2014 11:15am

Civilization 5 Cheats For Mac

Isa Maayev says...
I want to cheat, lol
1st April 2016 4:03am
DRichie says...
Once I check the mod, there is no 'next' button on the screen, only 'back'
I wish I could be more helpful, but it just works for me and I've not had this question before. Have you tried selecting the mod directly, where you see all its features, then clicking next?
23rd February 2014 6:09am
Brandon says...
Can you choose starting location with this?
14th October 2014 4:45pm
jonesy says...
I'll admit it, I'm slow. And dense. Your comment about making the crazy circular river sunk in - et voilà, one now has a city with a moat. Since most melee units suffer an attack penalty crossing a river.... so, thanks for the tip!While IGE certainly allows massive cheating, I've found it to be useful for making tailored challenges for trying out various tactics and strategies.

Yep, I love it for gameplay testing. Glad to help and that moat is a brilliant use of the terrain editor. You could do it with hills too, so that any ranged have to come in close to hit you - but only on the side with a potential enemy, perhaps?


24th December 2013 12:03pm
runujhkj says...
Could you also surround your whole Civ with mountains and guarantee untouchability with land units?
Yep, although they could embark over ocean tiles and come at you that way. With ranged units, sinking those embarked units would be easy as they generally have reduced defense while in the water. Only certain Civs' units have the Amphibious promotion (like the Denmark Berserker, a Viking unit). Otherwise, it's a promotion that is gained through experience and not likely to be chosen by the AI in most cases.
9th April 2014 8:52pm
Stan says...
Guys, how can I add a new civilization to my current game?
29th September 2014 8:06am
Kero K says...
I've just tested this on the Civ V Ultimate version and all seems good enough without any crashes. The only problem with it is (actually my own personal preference)the fact that it takes more than half of the screen. other than that its perfecto. Still wondering if the edited map would really be the edited map after a map save or would it generate other random seed +- map.
I read up on that, and it's just that its designed for ~1920x1080 (or even higher) resolution and there's little the author can do about it because it's a limitation of the Civ 5 User Interface. He COULD make it scale to different resolutions better, but it would take a massive amount of work so it's focused on really high-res monitors since those are more common now.
27th March 2014 11:48pm
Civilization Cheats For Mac

How to Reveal The Map in Civilization 6

once you've opened up the file you can search for the text 'DebugPanel=0'. And once you locate it, the next step is to change the 0 to 1, and then save and close the file. You can open the file again to make sure that your changes were saved, and once you confirm this open the game again, and press the [~] tilde key on your keyboard. This will open the debug window and give you access to the console and here you can even select 'Reveal All' and this will reveal the whole map for you. This was a pretty easy one, but if you want access to the really juicy stuff then you would need the civ 6 cheats.

Civ 6 Mods

Civ 6 Mods – The Best

Access to civ 6 mods became possible with the Australian Summer update in 2017 which also included big updates for the Australia civilization in the game. This update included steam workshop access as well as provided gamers with access to the modding tools which would allow them to create game content as they please. The package included development tools such as Modbuddy, Firetuner, and Steam Workshop Uploader. The update was huge – at about 7GB compressed, and 27GB on disk.

Since these tools became available there has been so many civ 6 mods appearing on the scene by talented modders. Some of the available mods are:

CCQI: This is a mod that allows you to update the interface screen and make it easier to use.
Yet Not Another Map Pack: It includes updated maps and fixes that the players will appreciate.
Production Queue: This is something that come standard on civ 6 games. it allows the players to see what they have in their queue.
Smoother Difficulty: This has to do with how the computer tries to win the game when you increase difficulty. Sometimes you will be attacked by the computer during early ages. This civ 6 mod corrects that problem so that instead pf giving the AI more units. The AI could get bonus resources.
Moar Units: gives more units by adding 9 new unique units to each civ. Get it here.


The Civilizations series has been around for many years and has enjoyed a lot of success as well as garnered a lot of very loyal fans who have been with the game since its early infancy and celebrated every milestone as this game continued to evolve over the years. With each new release came more tweaks ans implementation of community suggestions and that has really shaped the current face of the game. One could also say that as the computer technology continued to improve at an alarmingly fast rate, civilizations the game has kept up with the times in order to take advantage of the new pc and processor technologies. You may notice that some civ 6 mods will take advantage of this.

Civilizations was created by Sid Meier, and it could be described as a 4x type of game and very much turn based which also requires a lot of strategy to become successful and beat your opponents. The game was developed by Firaxis Games, and published by 2k Games, and it was distributed by Take-two Interactive. While Civ 6 was originally released for Windows in 2016 it was also released for Linux in February 2017 and can also be found on mac and ios devices. The first ever Civ game was originally released in 1991, which would mean its been around at least 27 years. And that is an extremely long time for any game to still be relevant. Once could argue that only these types of turn based games, and RTS style games can actually pull that off.

As mentioned before, that game has a lot of die-hard fans that have been supporting it and providing their own input for all these years by creating small free updates and civ 6 mods. And they really care to help make this game what it really is today. The series has even had some effect on entertainment in general because it has inspired many other spin-offs and creations such as board games, and video games. it is truly a game that really embodies the 4X style of gameplay which employs the following exact strategies: 'eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate'. Usually in that order but more experienced players can use that as they see fit. It has some similarities to Endless Legend.

Civ 6 Gameplay


The Civilizations series is basically a turn based game strategy game meaning that the players must take turns to play, so its like a game of chess where one player makes a move, and then waits for the other player to make a move and so on. This game is also very strategic and will really test the players skills. In this type of games, the player with the best skills, planning, and foresight usually wins. And that is how it should be if you ask me. If you are playing by yourself against the computer and you want to amp up the fun, you could even try using the civ 6 cheats which will help boost the fun factor.

The whole idea behind the game is to grow a civilization starting from the very beginning stages which means prehistoric times, and then building up the city until you have reached more modern times, and the near future. Advancing through the ages isn't as simple as pushing a button. Firstly, you have to secure enough resources for this such as food and money to name a few. In the early stages resource gathering will be the main focus and will start out slow, but as the game progresses, and more resources have been acquired, the player can now research new technologies and skills which could help speed up overall progress. You can now build new units, expensive buildings and get access to research new and more expensive technologies that is unique to your chosen civilization. There are many gamers out there who would rather skip this step of gathering resources, and the only way to bypass that is to use civ 6 cheats, or a civ 6 trainer while in single player as it won't work in multiplayer. Enabling cheats will allow you to instantly acquire items which you need to quickly advance to the next stages. Everything that you do as a player is to boost your war preparedness and the player who is able to do this the best will win the game. Keep in mind that there are other ways to play the game using diplomacy, but that's never as fun as waging war and overcoming your foes. The other ways to win if agreed upon are by reaching a high culture, building a space ship, or getting the high score in the game.

All game series do have their growing pains and Civilizations is no different. Even at this stage with their 6th entry there are sill major design changes being made, and more of the games inner workings constantly tweaked to stabilize the whole thing and also to accommodate user input which is always a great move to keep the fan base happy. If the game has a good balance then its less likely that players will be looking for civ 6 cheats. The game map is entirely based on a hexagonal grid-like arrangement where cities and land mass fit neatly inside hexagonal grids. It does help with being able to precisely know what you're dealing with, and will help you with clearly defined borders. A new feature in civ 6 is the innovation of 'city unstacking'. In the past the in-game improvements were stacked on top of cities, but now they must be placed on hex square beside the city itself and that makes things a lot cleaner and easier to understand. so now the player can choose which of the hex squares or district to place improvements and get bonuses. When placing your buildings on districts certain bonuses and experience points can be achieved when the buildings are placed on specific districts which would be considered advantageous.

There are many attributes to unlock in the game, and many of them have other dependencies. For example, certain technologies can't be researched unless you already have certain buildings created. If you want to boost your masonry research you should already have a quarry. Or for example water based technologies such as 'sailing' will have little to no effect if your city is in the middle of land mass or continent, or not near water at all. While civ 6 introduced the idea of unstacking, its still beneficial in some cases where it makes sense to use stacking. For example, to protect a builder from barbarians a warrior unit can be paired with it. The game continue to be improved with new features like the 'Eureka Moments' which will speed up progress and shorten the time needed to get certain technologies after completing certain in-game activities such as the Astrology tech improvements and discovering of the natural wonder. Certain civ 6 mods allow you to manipulate your surroundings, so if you find the default settings cumbersome there is always a fix.


Balancing can make or break the game as far as how the players rate it. You really don't want it to be too easy or too hard so you have to make everything balanced so that everything makes sense across the board. Take for example in the past it was almost impossible to win the game through the cultural victory route. Things like that are an obvious bug as far as the series longevity and variety is concerned because in a multiplayer scenario it could lead to really predictable gameplay which is boring when you know that cultural victory is not possible. But giving cultural victory a real chance at winning makes things actually more realistic and keeps the game fun and exciting. By incorporating a new civics tree it boosted the cultural victory and made is a truly viable option. This was achieved by bringing in past improvements from earlier civ games such as drama and philosophy, into a separate mechanic.

Its important to know that player choices will affect the overall outcome of the game. In previous civ versions player choices can cause unhappiness in the population. But in civ 6 the effects of this will be minimized and isolated to the district instead of the entire population. The game uses real historical people and figures who really existed in the past and uses them in new ways to improve the game, and you can find players like qin shi juang and Theodore Roosevelt. These figures can be controlled by the computer AI. You will now have to figure out the Ai's agenda. Some of the civs in the game often have more than one leader and its is up to you the player to choose one since they each have unique abilities which make them interesting. And since there is balancing none are overly powerful over the others. The use of civ 6 cheats however makes it possible to win with any civilization you choose, if that's how you like to play.


If you're a fan of civilizations you will notice that civ 6 brings with it many of the same attributes found in civ 5 the previous version. This is good because it keeps alot of the feel that fans have come to know, love, and enjoy. Therefore a civ game will always be a civ game and fans can count of this familiarity. The game designers adhered to some strict rules which they believed forms the basis of a great sequel. Sid Meier called it the '33/33/33' rule which states that – a sequel should contain 33% of already known and established systems from the previous game, 33% should have some new systems implemented into it, and remaining 33% should be reserved for new material which enhances the game with new features to explore. This formula works very well, and is also adopted by many other gaming design companies.

Civ 6 was made by Firaxis Games, the same team who were responsible for the civ 5 expansion. so the expansion team created the complete civ 6. It wasn't a bad decision because it made for a really smooth transition from civ 5 to 6 since alot of what was in civ 5 made its way to civ 6 seamlessly, and importantly was immediately available during civ 6's launch. This was huge because civ players always have to wait for critical updates to be released as expansions. And an expansion was released for civ 6 anyway because there was more to be done, and players requested certain updates which the expansion fixed. It was called Civilizaion VI: Rise and Fall – which was released in February 2018. This time around the developers decided to include a massive tutorial covering everything the game has to offer. The game itself does provide in-game voice guidance, but the added tutorial would be separate from that. Civ 6 cheats capability is also built in but it has to be unlocked from the Config.ini files mentioned above.

As mentioned earlier, one of the major pitfalls of games is when the game-play falls into a specific pattern because this tend to make the game too predictable. And when this happens it becomes boring fast. Imagine that every player knows exactly how their opponent is going to play. That really narrows down the game-play to the point that players are doing the same thing every time and neglect all the other great features which the designers built into the game simply because the players have found a formula for success which will now be copied by everyone else, and everyone starts doing the same thing. So one of the strategies that was implemented to combat this was the use of the procedurally generated map. This means that the overall shape of the map isn't immediately known. And as the map is explored it will change the strategies which the player will use because he has to choose different strategies in order to adapt to the environment challenges.

Graphics and Visuals

With all this modifications going on it would be very problematic if the engine upon which the game is built was difficult to work with, and that is why Firaxis decided to develop civ 6 with a new engine moving forward and this was definitely a smart move on their part. The visuals and graphics have been much more improved since the last game and everything is looking much more polished. Take for example the improved user interface with display compasses and astrolabes. In order to add more features to the game which could possibly influence how players will strategize the developers included a constant night and day cycle so essentially players might choose which conditions are more favourable for them to perform certain actions or attack a foe.

Fog of war is well implemented this time using a cross hatch style which replicated map styles from the Age of Exploration. Fog of war means that the whole map not immediately visible and your units will have to explore in order to view the terrain close by and later the whole map, but some gamers might decide to reveal the full map with the use of civilizations 6 cheats codes.

Another thing that the players will notice in civilizations 6 is that somewhat cartoonish look of the game. It looks a lot like many of these mobile games graphics, but this is intentional in order to make the game simple. By doing it like this they hope to help the player to better focus on the complexity of the game. Sometimes you can miss something on the map due to certain shades of color which affect your perception of depth and distance. By making it a bit more plain looking it actually helps players who are more on a higher skill level. This graphics style does not impede the players ability to differentiate between units and building designs, instead it really makes things easier as players can easily recognize units whether lightly zoomed in or zoomed out without the need for using the tool-tips to to figure things out, instead the players will be able to figure it out just by sight, reducing the need for extra unnecessary actions.

Theme Song

There are many seemingly little things that we take for granted but which actually make our favourite games memorable. One of those elements would be the sound track theme song. Befitting its stature the civilizations series have always boasted amazing and immersive soundtracks which increase anticipation and which makes fans always return. Certain sights and sounds can rekindle fond memories, and if you here the music before you see it, you will know that it is civilizations 6. The theme song for the game was done by composer Christopher Tin, and he was also responsible for the grammy winning theme song for civilization 4 called 'Baba Yetu'. His newest work for civ 6 is called 'Sogno di volare' which is translated as 'The Dream of Flight'. The inspiration for the song comes from the spirit of exploration of new lands, the feeling of new discovery, expanding the frontiers of science and philosophy.


Civilization VI received great reception because it was very much anticipated by current fans. This game won't get the same reach as titles like call of duty which are more quick simplistic games which don't require much complicated thinking. The review aggregator praised the unstacking of cities because it definitely added more to what the game has to offer. Once cities were unstacked we now need new ways of dealing with this implication and this adds to the game overall. Not all review was favourable of course as we can see from remarks made by Destructoid's peter Glagowski. he believes that the religious victory condition in the game should be removed, labelling it a 'nuisance'. He harped on about the removal of the diplomatic victory condition and also stressing the need for the steam workshop support which was not available at launch. However civilization 6 did win the best pc game and best strategy game awards at the 2016 Game Critics Award. It also won in 2017.


Civ 6 is definitely one of the best 4x, turn-based strategy games out there boasting a very long history over 20 years since the first version released in 1991. Since then it has faithfully continued to deliver on what its early adopters have come to rely on. The game continued to evolve with the times incorporating strongly the desires of the fans by providing the innovations that they wanted to see imbued into the game through the use of the many expansion packs and civ 6 mods. The Civilizations title is definitely one of the hallmarks and trailblazers when it comes to this style of turn based gaming.

Civilization Cheats For Pc

This game will most likely continue to dominate and have a significant presence within the gaming world at large. The game also allows modders to use Civ 6 trainers to help you unlock special attributes. These however can be used only for non competitive play offline. If you need to enable all resources with unlimited everything that will add a new level of fun to the game, consider trying out the civ 6 cheats. The next game is Dark Souls 3 Trainer Cheats and Mods.

With No Cheat Console Available, Turn to Debug Mode & Ingame Editor

The Ingame Editor Allows Players to Cheat in Civilization 5, Gods and Kings & Brave New World

Enough people search for Civilization 5 Cheats that I thought sharing a couple possibilities that resemble and even surpass cheating in power might be useful to some players. You see, no cheat codes or command console of that type exists for the game. However, Firaxis did include a debug mode for developers that can be exploited to reveal the entire map and gve your Civilization infinite Happiness. This tool pales in comparison to the mighty Ingame Editor which can modify or place just about anything in the world. In many ways, this is better than any simple cheat code for it can enable you to get through any negative situation your Civilizaton enounters while giving you the ability to cheat your gold, research, production, or military to ridiculously high levels and defeatng other Civs in just about any way you choose. Don't be frightened by the fact that it's a mod. This is a very stable tool that gives you incredible control over the land and Civilizations in Civ 5.

Before You Consider Cheating: Playing at a Low Difficulty
Unless you want to cheat for fun, use cheating tools to set up the world to your liking, or experiment with Civ 5's gameplay, you should first consider simply lowering the difficulty of the game to Settler. It's ridiculously easy to win a game, especially with knowledge of Victory conditions you can learn from my strategy guide.

Playing at a lower difficulty will give your Civilization bonuses, while imposing penalties on the AI. This is not a game that you will get much satisfaction from cheating to win anyway; there is no ending and the numerous difficulty settings give you a chance to gradually improve and expand your knowledge of Civ 5 game mechancs.

Ingame Editor: Powerful Cheats for Civilization 5

With IGE Installed, click this button or press Control + I to start using the Mod.

Civfanatics and the Steam Workshop host a powerful Mod for Civilization 5 that enables some great cheating ability. You can do most anything you want with the game's tiles, plant strategic and luxury resources, spawn units in control of any player, research technologies with a single click, and even take over another Civilization. I'll Guide you through the various types of cheating you can do using the Ingame Editor's interface, while I leave to you the creative use of this tool to win games or present yourself new challenges.

Installing the Ingame Editor
You can start cheating by getting Civ 5's ingame editor from one of the following sources. I recommend installing it via the steam workshop, since every legit Civilzation 5 owner has to use it. If you like installing mods yourself, you can go through Civfanatics:
Download from the Steam Workshop. Login, Subscribe to IGE and the Mod will be installed and updated automatically.
Download from Civfanatics, where you'll find manual install instructions, a FAQ, and troubleshooting for the IGE.

Using the IGE Mod to Cheat - Control + I
Once you've got the Mod installed, you're ready to start a game in which you can cheat to your heart's content. Load Civilization 5 and select 'Mods' and ensure that Ingame Editor is checked, then select next. You can now select Single Player and set up the game as you normally would. If the Mod is working properly, click the icon in the top right portion of the Civ 5 game screen or press Control + I.

Things to Note: Leader/City-State Selection and Reloading for Visual Changes
In the top-right portion of the IGE interface, you will see your Leader selected. You can change to any other Leader or City-State by selecting this. This will show you the game world as they see it, show their research tree and social policies, etc.

When you make some changes to terrain, like placing Natural Wonders in the world, you'll need to save the game, exit to the main menu and reload to get their graphics to show. Any tile bonuses will be in play, but your Fountain of Youth, for example, will be invisible until you do this.

Edit Tiles Individually with F1

Cheats: Edit Terrain - F1
The first tab in the Ingame Editor allows you to select a terrain hex and start editing. You can choose tile improvements, Natural Wonders, terrain type, and even select whom the tile belongs to by having the right leader selected and going to the far right in the interface, where you'll see 'Free Land' or 'Your Land', along with Explored/Unexplored. The blue lines in the bottom left let you paint rivers and the direction they flow by toggling the lines at the edge of the hex. As you can see, I made a strange circular river in one hex to demonstrate how it would be used.

Cheating Cities: Religion, We Love the King & Wonders - F2
Click to select a city or shift-click to create a new city on a hex belonging to the currently selected player. This is super useful for cheating - it'll let you instantly create any building or Wonder in the city, and also celebrate We Love the King day for 10 or 250 Turns. This second is a little less useful given you could just set the population to whatever size you want, anyway. You are also able to change the religious balance in the city or make it a puppet of the currently selected player.

Changing Terrain on a Mass Scale - F3
The Paint Terrain option is helpful if you want to change the terrain on a larger scale than the F1 tool. Select a terrain type and drag around with the right mouse button held down to change terrain all over. Press shift and you'll see the six tiles around the selected terran light up. Right click and drag with this to make big changes across the land. The Your Land option is found on the far right, which will let you claim massive sections of land for the selected player, explore it, or return it to an unexplored state.

With the IGE you can spawn a max promoted unit or Great Person, even combine unique units from other Civilizations

Spawning Units and Giving Unit Promotions - F4
Use this tool to create units for the selected player. You can right-click to spawn a unit of any type, from workers, to missionaries, and even Great People. This is extremely powerful, but doesn't seem to let you edit an existing unit, although this hardly matters. You can use this Cheat to play with Unique Units from other Civilizations! Above the list of units, you can see the level box. Pick a number and it will give the unit that many promotions. Some units have a maximum of nine promotions, while a naval unit could have eleven. Either way, pick a number like 15 and you're likely to have a maxxed-out unt.

I'd warn you when using this cheat not to spawn too many units on one tile, although you can. I'm sure it could have a negative impact on your game and possibly cause a crash. Just how many giant death robots would you need in one area, anyway?

IGE Quicksave - F5
Pressing F5 with the Ingame Editor open will create a Quicksave named IGE so that you can avoid overwriting a non-cheated game's save.

Civilization 4 Free For Mac

Edit Civilization Stats - F6
With this IGE tab, you can use cheats that allow you to add gold, culture, or faith points to the currently selected Civ. Golden ages of 10 or 250 turns can be triggered at will, and religions founded. You may take over leadership of another Civilization on this tab by picking Take Seat option.

This tab is also particularly interesting for allowing you to make peace treaties, form declarations of friendships, embargoes or even trigger complex wars between various Civs and City States.

Use this tab as a Cheat to Research all Technologies in Civ 5

Research Cheats - F7
This is likely to be one of the most popular uses of the Ingame Editor. Research Cheats let you learn any technology in Civ 5, Gods and Kings, and Brave New World with a single click. Press Shift-Click and it will learn every prerequisite for the selected technology. You can also take Technology away in the same way - it is a toggle, so shift-click again and it will take away a tech and all prerequisites.

To Cheat and get all Technology, shift-click the Future Tech research project. Since it takes every one of the highest level technologies to research it, you will get every Tech at once. To remove all research at once, shift-click Agriculture on the opposite end of the Tech tree.

Social Policy and Ideology Cheats - F8
With the last tab, you may add and remove any social policy in Civ 5. You may also force the selected Civ to adopt an Ideology or remove one. You may even adopt all Ideologies and Ideological Tenets at once if you so choose, although that may have unforseen gameplay consequences.

Debug Mode, World Builder & Civ 5 SDK

Civ 5's Debug Mode - Reveal Full Map & Unlimited Happiness
Open config.ini located in DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier's Civilization 5 and locate the line that says DebugPanel = 0 and change the 0 to a 1 then save the file. To Disable Debug, you'd do the opposite. This will enable debug mode in the game, which seems to be primarily aimed at mod development. After restarting the game with Debug enabled, you can press Control + Z to reveal the entire map. This process will automatically introduce your Civ to all City States and other Civilizations. It also reveals the location of all Natural Wonders, giving a +1 permanent boost to happiness for each. If you do this over and over, you will keep rediscovering the wonders and accumulate massive amounts of happiness that can allow your cities to grow without worry of unhappiness, and also triggering golden ages over and over depending on how heavily you abuse it. For the most part, revealing the map alone is a potent cheat to a player capable of turning that knowledge into a workable strategy.

While Debug Mode is enabled, you can press the Tilde key to bring up an interface that offers different options specfically for debugging the game. It is unlikely that many useful things can be done with it as far as cheats go, but I'd welcome comments on this tool and its capacity for cheating from players who understand its menu options and how to apply them to a current game. If anything, it's probably not worth the effort of deciphering the debug tool given the power of the Ingame Editor.

The Civilization 5 Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
There are many tools provided by Firaxis that will let you modify Civ 5 or create your own maps. To install these tools, login to Steam and go to your Library. Hover over Library at the top of Steam and choose Tools. Scroll down the list until you find Sid Meier's Civilization V SDK, select it and choose Install. You will now have access to all the tools provided by Firaxis, through a link you should find on your desktop. Otherwise, right click it in the tools list and choose Play.

Share Tips and FAQs (20)

Our Sims Forum is the place to go for faster answers to questions and discussions about the game. Use the form below to share your own experiences and provide helpful tips to other readers.

Kyle says...
So I got the IGE off the workshop then I went in-game went to mods enabled the mod clicked next it said configuring game data then when back to the screen I then clicked back and made a new game. But while in-game I noticed that there was no Icon to click and pressing ctrl+I did nothing either... Need help
1st September 2014 11:09pm
Ray Ryan says...
Let say I want to reveal entire map with debug mode for fun play, building strategic place for my civ. But since the purpose is just for strategic location. How can I unreveal map after pressing ctrl+z?
30th October 2014 2:25am
Dolan says...
So enabling the mod is fine: selected it, hit next, the game configured. But when I start a game the IGE does not show up, and ctrl+i doesn't do anything. Am I missing a step somewhere along the way?
You may find a solution for your problem in the official thread for the Mod at Civfanatics
25th March 2014 2:41pm
Sirwn says...
how do you add city states in a map?
19th October 2014 3:01pm
CGord says...
I do not see this noted about playing with debug mode enabled: technologies researched are selected automatically. I do not know if this can be changed.
30th January 2014 11:15am

Civilization 5 Cheats For Mac

Isa Maayev says...
I want to cheat, lol
1st April 2016 4:03am
DRichie says...
Once I check the mod, there is no 'next' button on the screen, only 'back'
I wish I could be more helpful, but it just works for me and I've not had this question before. Have you tried selecting the mod directly, where you see all its features, then clicking next?
23rd February 2014 6:09am
Brandon says...
Can you choose starting location with this?
14th October 2014 4:45pm
jonesy says...
I'll admit it, I'm slow. And dense. Your comment about making the crazy circular river sunk in - et voilà, one now has a city with a moat. Since most melee units suffer an attack penalty crossing a river.... so, thanks for the tip!While IGE certainly allows massive cheating, I've found it to be useful for making tailored challenges for trying out various tactics and strategies.

Yep, I love it for gameplay testing. Glad to help and that moat is a brilliant use of the terrain editor. You could do it with hills too, so that any ranged have to come in close to hit you - but only on the side with a potential enemy, perhaps?


24th December 2013 12:03pm
runujhkj says...
Could you also surround your whole Civ with mountains and guarantee untouchability with land units?
Yep, although they could embark over ocean tiles and come at you that way. With ranged units, sinking those embarked units would be easy as they generally have reduced defense while in the water. Only certain Civs' units have the Amphibious promotion (like the Denmark Berserker, a Viking unit). Otherwise, it's a promotion that is gained through experience and not likely to be chosen by the AI in most cases.
9th April 2014 8:52pm
Stan says...
Guys, how can I add a new civilization to my current game?
29th September 2014 8:06am
Kero K says...
I've just tested this on the Civ V Ultimate version and all seems good enough without any crashes. The only problem with it is (actually my own personal preference)the fact that it takes more than half of the screen. other than that its perfecto. Still wondering if the edited map would really be the edited map after a map save or would it generate other random seed +- map.
I read up on that, and it's just that its designed for ~1920x1080 (or even higher) resolution and there's little the author can do about it because it's a limitation of the Civ 5 User Interface. He COULD make it scale to different resolutions better, but it would take a massive amount of work so it's focused on really high-res monitors since those are more common now.
27th March 2014 11:48pm
Zack says...

Civilization Cheats Mac

Does a trainer exist that would be able to enable and disable research advancement? Essentially allowing you to control when civ can start the next era.
I am not aware of a Mod that does this specifically. The Ingame Editor would only let you control each civs' tech level and push them back if you needed to. It would take too much micromanagement, unfortunately. If you want Civs to spend more time in each era, try slower game speeds, which will slow the pace of the game and make everything including research take longer to complete.
4th March 2014 8:44pm
Sivfan says...
Just got this thing and it has revealed quite a bit of the mechanics of the game. Like natural wonders are a terrain feature and that the system allows for it to have resources, and improvements on it.
I use it to scout the map before I start (start new game, save, open save with ige and reveal map). This method is better than the debug because it shows all resources, even hidden ones. It does not show ruins though.
Can't get this to make rivers though. Am I missing something?
25th June 2014 10:38pm
dal says...
Brilliant fun. I wanted to edit a map though and play from the beginning with all players hidden in certain placements, is this possible?
I believe it can do what you want - you are able to use it as a fully featured map editor. On the IGE page at the steam workshop it says:
How do I export the map? On the civ5 window to save your game there is a button to save as a map rather than a mere savegame.
14th March 2014 4:06pm
Carl says...
So I've been having a bug where when my units reached a cloud (that should have disappeared due to that area now being explored) they just go underneath the cloud and it doesn't disappear.
Sorry, I've never seen this happen in-game. I know the Ingame Editor can let you flag areas as explored and such. There are caches in this game that can be cleared, which might help your problem. You can do a search for that, and sometimes reloading the game will correct those issues.
All I have seen are invisible Mountains - very annoying.
28th April 2014 9:55pm
Carl says...
I just used IGE to explore the entire map, great sucess! XD Also, I agree, invisible mountains are a pain the the *****
14th May 2014 11:16am
Brad says...
Can this be used for a mac?
I believe so - you have Steam, right? Do a search for it in the Steam Workshop if so.
Edit: I guess it's actually a pain to install Mods on a Mac. I was not aware of this. You have to go beyond manual installation and apparently insert code yourself. Sorry, folks.
2nd May 2014 2:07pm
Brad says...
I don't use Steam, I just have the game installed on a stand alone PC, I don't play online. Sounds like manually inserting codes will be a huge guess I have to play the regular way! Oh Well! Thank you for the help though!
8th May 2014 4:55pm

Civilization 3 Mac Download

I know this comment is a while on, but this mod is compatible with a mac. Although I have civ on steam I couldn't download the mod via the workshop so I downloaded it from the civfanatics page and did it manually instead. It took a bit of work because you have to enable the 'mod' option on the home screen but in the end I got there and it works great! If you want more information I could probably give you a walkthrough if you reply to this comment or anyone else for that matter.
Well thanks, you got me looking at CFC and found this thread:
There readers can find instructions for installing Civ 5 Mods on Mac!
12th June 2014 3:11pm
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